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«Задания по английскому языку»

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Задание 1. Соотнесите слово из первой колонки с соответствующей ему транскрипцией во второй и переводом в третьей. Воспользуйтесь словарем при необходимости.

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Present Simple).

Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Past Simple).

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, преобразовав их в форму Future Simple.

Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант.

Задание 1. Дополните диалоги репликами, соответствующими ситуации общения. Используйте фразы, расположенные подчертой.

Задание 1. Выполните тест.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. Our Family

Задание 1. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления электронного сообщения, факса


Задание 1. Соотнесите слово из первой колонки с соответствующей ему транскрипцией во второй и переводом в третьей. Воспользуйтесь словарем при необходимости.







a husband




a niece




an uncle




a wife




a grandfather

[ɡrænd fɑːðə(r)]







a nephew




an aunt




a cousin


двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра


a son








a daughter




a sister




a grandchild

[ɡrænd tſaɪld]

внук, внучка




женатый, замужняя


a mother




a pensioner




a brother




a father




a mother-in-law


теща, свекровь


a widow




a grandmother








a spouse


супруг, супруга


a godfather

[ɡɒd fɑːðə(r)]







a marriage




a stepmother




a friend









Задание 2. Дополните следующие предложения, используя слова под чертой.

1) My father’s sister is my aunt.

2) I have many relatives : four cousins, three uncles and two nephews.

3) My grandfather died ten years ago. My grandmother is a widow.

4) Our family is large and friendly

5) My godfather Harry is on the wrong side of seventy. He has already many grandchildren.

6) Ken is not married. He is only engaged.

7) My brother’s daughter is my niece.

8) Julia doesn’t go to school. She is only 5 years old.

9) Kate and Teresa were born on the same day. They are twins.

10) My elder brother doesn’t have a family of his own, he is single.


twins; single; family; aunt; niece; relatives; years old; widow; grandchildren; engaged


Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Present Simple).

1) I read every day.

a) reading         

b) read

c) reads

d) do read

2) Tom helps his father very often.

a) helps

b) help

c) helping

d) helpes

3) We do not drink tea every morning.

a) does not drink

b) does not drinks

c) do not drink

d) do not drinks

4) Does he eat at school usually?

a) does, eat

b) do, eats

c) does, eats

d) do, eat

5) Where do you play after school?

a) does, play

b) do, plays

c) does, plays

d) do, play


Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Past Simple).

1) Last summer I visited my friends.

a) visited

b) visit

c) visits

d) did visit

2) Andrea did not go to the cinema yesterday.

a) did not went

b) do not went

c) did not go

d) do not go

3) What did you buy at shop a week ago?

a) do, buy

b) did, buy

c) did, bought

d) do, bought

4) My Granny prepared a nice pie yesterday.

a) prepared

b) prepare

c) prepares

d) preparing

5) Did you see a new film last Friday?

a) do, see

b) did, see

c) did, saw

d) do, saw


Задание 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, преобразовав их в форму Future Simple.

1) I will not play chess tomorrow. (not/play)

2) Next week he will go to the theatre. (go)

3) Will you visit London next year? (visit)

4) In some months William will live in the USA. (live)

5) My cousin will not dance tomorrow at school. (not/dance)


Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Present Simple – это:

а) время, которое употребляется для выражения повторяющихся, обычных, постоянных действий;

б) время, которое употребляется для выражения действия совершившегося или совершавшегося в прошлом;

в) время, которое употребляется для выражения как однократных, так и повторяющихся действий в будущем.

Ответ: а

2. Future Simple образуется:

а) путем прибавления окончания –ed к инфинитиву без to;

б) при помощи вспомогательного глагола will;

в) при помощи вспомогательного глагола do.

Ответ: б

3. Для корректного образования времени Past Simple  важно знать:

а) глаголы оканчивающиеся на ss, ch, sh, x, принимают в Past Simple окончание –es;

б) Past Simple правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления окончания –ed к инфинитиву. Past Simple неправильных глаголов образуется другими способами;

в) Past Simple не употребляется в придаточных предложениях времени и условия.

Ответ: б

4. Грамматические формы Future Simple часто употребляются с выражениями:

а) every day, usually;

б) yesterday, last month, two years ago;

в) next week, tomorrow.

Ответ : в

5. Present Simple имеет:

а) множество форм образования, в зависимости от глагола;

б) только одну форму образования – инфинитив без частицы to;

в) две формы образования, в зависимости от лица и числа подлежащего.

Ответ: в

Задание 1. Дополните диалоги репликами, соответствующими ситуации общения. Используйте фразы, расположенные подчертой.

1) ■ I would like to invite you to a birthday party.

   Oh, what a surprise! Whose birthday is it?

    t's my birthday. I am going to turn 40 years old.

   Oh, congratulations! You look so young!

    Thank you so much. I will look forward to seeing you!


Thank you so much. I will look forward to seeing you!

Oh, what a surprise! Whose birthday is it?

It's my birthday. I am going to turn 40 years old.


2)  Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the mall?

       Sure, I used to work there. Go straight for about a mile, then turn left at the light. The mall will be on the right.

     Do you know the address?

     ● Yes, the address is 541 Main street.

    ■Can you write it down for me please?

    No problem.

     Is it faster if I take Highland avenue?

     No, that way is longer.

     I think you're right. Thank you.


Can you write it down for me please?

No, that way is longer.

Yes, the address is 541 Main street.

I think you're right. Thank you.

Sure, I used to work there. Go straight for about a mile, then turn left at the light. The mall will be on the right.


Задание 1. Выполните тест.


1. What is the capital of the USA? (Какой город является столицей США?)

a) Columbia                                 b) New York

c) Washington                             d) Chicago

 Ответ: с

2. What is U.S. government? (Какое государственное устройство США?)

a) parliamentary monarchy         b) federal republic

c) absolute monarchy                  d) presidential republic

  Ответ: d

3. What is the biggest mountain of the USA? (Какая американская гора самая высокая в США?)

a) McKinley                                b) Logan

c) Ben Nevis                               d) Potomac

  Ответ: a

4. When do American people celebrate Independence Day? (Когда американцы отмечают День Независимости?)

a) April, 11                                  b) November, 29

c) December, 25                          d) July, 4

  Ответ: d

5. Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence? (Кто был автором Декларации Независимости США?)

a) George Washington                 b) Abraham Lincoln

c) Thomas Jefferson                    d) Frank F. Kennedy

  Ответ: c

6. What does the American Congress consist of? (Из чего состоит американский Конгресс?)

a) the Senate and                          b) the House of Commons and

the House of Representatives       the House of Lords

c) the Lower House and               d) the Senate and

the Upper House                           the National Assembly

  Ответ: a

7. What is the Emancipation Proclamation? (Что такое Провозглашение Освобождения?)

a) the Bill of Rights                       b) the American Constitution

c) the Act of Settlement                d) the Act of Freedom for Negro slaves

  Ответ: d

8. What does the eagle, the symbol of the USA, hold? (Что держит орел, символ США?)

a) a bow and arrows                      b) the torch and the tablet

c) a cherry branch                         d)  an olive branch and arrows

  Ответ: d

9. What is the symbol of American democracy? (Что является символом американской демократии?)

a) the Statue of Liberty                 b) the White House

c) the Jefferson Memorial            d) the Capitol

  Ответ: a

10. What river is Washington D. C. situated on?  (На какой реке расположен Вашингтон?)

a) the Missouri                               b) the Potomac

c) the Mississippi                          d) the Colorado

 Ответ: b

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

Our Family

We are a large and friendly family. There are six of us: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my younger sister and I. I have an elder sister, too, she is 22 years old, but she does not live with our family. She is married. She has a little family of her own: a husband and a child – a two-year old boy.

Our grandfather is a scientist. He is on the wrong side of sixty, but he does not want to retire. He works at the university. He works part-time. He goes to the university two or three times a week and delivers lectures to students and does scientific work. On the days when he is at home, he works in his study, preparing for his lectures and writing a book.

Our grandmother is retired. She was a teacher and worked at school. She is the recognized head of the family. She keeps house. Of course we help her about the house: all of us do our share in daily household chores. My sister washes the dishes, sweeps and washes the floor, washes the sink in the kitchen. My work is emptying the dustbin, beating the carpets, dusting and vacuum cleaning. Our mother and father do most of the shopping. My .mother and sister also do washing. But most of the cooking is done by grandmother. She is a wonderful cook, and all our family likes her cooking very much. Father is a doctor. He works at a large hospital. Mother is an economist and she works at a bank. Both our parents are very busy. Father has a car. In the morning he drives mother to work, then he goes to his hospital. Father also always drives grandfather to work on his university days.

My sister and I go to school. We are both senior formers, so naturally school takes up a lot of our time. We spend most of the afternoons and evenings doing our homework.At the weekend we are not so busy as on week days, and we can relax: visit or receive friends or relations or just go for a walk. I also enjoy quiet Saturday evenings, when all the members of our friendly family are at home and nobody is in a hurry, and we are quietly sitting in our large and comfortable living-room, talking, joking, discussing our everyday affairs and drinking nice hot cups of tea with something delicious prepared by grand­mother.


1. Заполните пропуск. Выберите один вариант ответа.

·              Our grandfather is  ______________.

a) a doctor                                     b) an economist

c) a scientist                                  d) a cook

Ответ: c

·              Our grandmother is _________________.

a) retired                                       b) a housewife

c) a widow                                   d) a teacher

Ответ: а

·              __________________do most of the shopping.

a) our grandfather                        b) my sister

c) my elder brother                      d) our mother and father

Ответ: d

·              My sister and I go to ________________.

a) school                                       b) the University

c) work                                         d) the kindergarten

Ответ: а

·              I also enjoy __________________.

a) doing my homework                b) daily household chores

c) cooking                                    d) quiet Saturday evenings

Ответ: d

2. Определитеявляется ли утверждениеOn the days when father is at home he likes to play chess with my elder sister.

a) ложным                     

b) истинным

c) в тексте нет информации

Ответ: с

3. Ответьте на вопросы:

a) How many people are there in the family?

Ответ: There are six people in the family.

b) Who is the recognized head of the family?

Ответ: My grandmother is the recognized head of the family

c) Who drives mother to work?

Ответ: My father drives mother to work

d) How old is grandfather?

Ответ:  He is on the wrong side of sixty

e) How does the family usually spend weekends?

Ответ: They visit or receive friends or relations or just go for a walk. They  sit in the large and comfortable living-room, talk, joke, discuss their everyday affairs and drink nice hot cups of tea with something delicious prepared by grand­mother.



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